How to properly develop a Casino Marketing Plan:
Dean Macomber & Steve Karoul provide a free educational lesson on how to properly develop an effective casino marketing plan.
CasinoMarketingPlanningProcessEACMI (PDF File)
Marketing is never easy and Casino Marketing is even more complicated as you will learn in the article writen by two of the top Casino Consultants in the casino industry today. Take advantage of their combined 70 years of casino experience and take away many good ideas to use in your own casino operation. Both Dean Macomber and Steve Karoul are available for casino consulting projects either individually or collectively.
Learning is a never ending, ongoing process in the modern casino industry today. “The practice of Casino Marketing is part art, part science and part voodoo”……Dean Macomber
(Note: much of this article is based upon an original article written by Dean Macomber in July of 2000. The ideas and concepts are even more valid and helpful in today’s competitive markets.)