Angry Upset Players: What do you do?
How do you diffuse conflict when a player becomes upset or angry? It sounds like a simple question but the answer can often be quite complicated. It also does not matter whether the player is a table game player or a slot customer. Conflict is conflict. My office was located on the casino floor at Foxwoods Casino which is the largest casino in North America and had approximately 380 table games, 6,700 slot machines, 1,500 hotel rooms and 11,000 employees at the time that I worked there. We averaged 30,000 to 70,000 customers per day coming through our doors.
Therefore, I had a lot of “opportunity” to deal with angry upset customers. I say “opportunity” because this allows us a chance to save or salvage an upset player that may go away angry and go to your competition on his or her next trip. Often times this is a “face to face” experience but sometimes it is over the telephone. Never-the-less, an angry upset player is usually going to be confrontational and come at you with an “us versus them” attitude. Therefore if you recognize this upfront and are prepared for it you still have a chance of salvaging the customer.